I opened my mouth
I noticed them sitting there
as orderly as frozen fish
in a package.
Slowly water began to fill the room
though I did not notice it
till it reached
my ears
and then I heard the sounds
of fish in an aquarium
and I knew that though I had
tried to drown them
with my words
that they had only opened up
like gills for themand let me in.
Together we swam around the room
like thirty tails whacking words
till the bell rang
a hole in the door
where we all leaked out
They went to another class
I suppose and I to home
where Queen Elizabeth
my cat met me
and licked my fins
till they were hands again.
This poem is very odd to say the least. It is obviously about a teacher or some author reading poetry to a group of high school students. The poem seems to show how the teacher and the students become immersed in the poetry and read it until the bell rings. Once the bell rings, the students leave the room, supposedly still immersed in the poetry and head to another class. The teacher/author goes home where his or her cat licks his or her hands. This poem is written in a structure that is more modernistic, and it utilizes modern language.
Before I opened my mouth I noticed the students sitting there in an organized manor as is they were packaged. Slowly I began to become immersed in the poem, though I didn’t notice it until I began to hear the sounds of fish in an aquarium and then I realized that I had tried to overwhelm them with my words and that they had instead opened up to the words and let me in. Together we went on a trip with poetry like thirty little fish all contributing until the bell rang and caused all the students to leave and go to another class. I then went home and let me cat lick me until I came back to reality.
Syntax- The author uses very long, run-on sentences with only three periods throughout the entire poem. The author also does not use any commas or other forms of punctuation except for period.
Word Choice- The author chose to use the word “till” instead of until or ‘til. This is important because that is technically a form of slang which the author would have to use when talking to a teenage audience. The author also chose to use very simplistic words in this poem so that they would be understandable to modern teens.
Imagery- The author uses the image of an aquarium full of fish for most of the poem. The author does a fantastic job of making the reader feel as though they are the person reading poetry to a high school class. The author also makes use of imagery to make the reader feel as though they are being transformed into a fish and swimming.
Figurative Language- The author makes great use of metaphors. The first metaphor is of the students being like frozen fish in a package with represents how rigid they are. The author also uses hearing bubbles in an aquarium as a metaphor for the murmur of the students. The last two metaphors are the hole through the door and the author’s cat licking his “fins till they were hands again.” The author also uses simile when describing how the students open up like gills.
Tone-The tone for this poem is playful. The author starts out by essentially making a joke about the students being rigid like frozen fish. The author then uses a metaphor that was described in such a way that it is becomes playful.
Theme- The theme of this poem is education and a journey. The journey comes in when the author has to take the students from a rigid state about poetry to a more open state. The education theme comes into play because the author is teaching the students about poetry.
My initial reaction was not far off at all. This poem is very odd. Obviously some guest speaker has come in to read poetry to a group of high school students. The poem seems to show how the teacher and the students become immersed in the poetry and read it until the bell rings. They students also go on a journey with the speaker while reading the poem. Once the bell rings, the students leave the room, supposedly still immersed in the poetry and head to another class. The speaker goes home where his cat licks his hands. This poem is written in a structure that is more modernistic, and it utilizes modern language.
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